Bridge School Malvern
The Bridge is a small independent school offering a creative and flexible curriculum in a nurturing environment.
Qualifications and courses we offer
We are an awarding centre for City and Guilds. City & Guilds has a history of developing practical and vocational education for the employment market. Their training programmes are developed in response to the needs of businesses to develop well-trained young people ready for employment.
As well as developing a range of practical and employability skills, children will also benefit from a variety of creative and practical approaches to maths and English. Pupils will gain qualifications from entry Level to Level 2 (GCSE equivalent to grade 4-7 (previously an A-C pass).
Pupils can expect to transition from the Bridge, into further education or employment with City and Guilds qualifications in functional skills maths and English, skills for working life, and two vocational qualifications (at entry 3 or leve 1). Our vocational areas are animal care, art, catering, construction and horticulture. City and Guilds education programmes develop important soft and transferable skills that employers value. This means that pupils can use them to progress into a wide range of career options.
In year 11, pupils will meet weekly with our careers advisor who will support them in exploring their furture opportunities and help them to apply for college places and apprenticeships, and to attend open days.
Alongside the formal City and Guilds qualifications, pupils will develop a wide range of social and personal development skills.
Ofsted (2019)
"The school provides very successfully for pupils' academic, emotional, personal and social needs. Because of this, pupils who have found school difficult in the past thrive at the Bridge."
Vocational courses and qualifications
Students at the Bridge are able to take part in a variety of
City and Guilds qualifications can be gained in
Land-based Studies (animal care)
Practical Horticulture Skills
Employability Skills
Construction (units in brick-laying, site maintenance, carpentry)
Food Safety and Hygiene
Art and Creative Techniques
Skills for Working Life
Teaching that builds pupil's confidence, communication and self-esteem
Pupils are supported to develop their personal and social skills. The curriculum includes a range of programmes such as
Alcohol and Drug Awareness
Basic Science Activities
Communication Skills
Current Affairs
Employability Skills
Environmental Studies
Equality & Diversity
Healthy Lifestyles
Independent Living Skills
Indoor and outdoor games
Introduction to Psychology
Mindfulness Coaching
On-line Safety
People and Places (history and geography)
Physical Education
Sex and Relationship Education
Social Studies
Speech and language support
Stress & Anger Management
Team Work
The 'Big A' (learning about Autism)
Understanding Anxiety
Art and Craft
We have a designated art and craft room for the students to enjoy a range of creative experiences.
We have our own pottery wheel and kiln.
Pupils learn catering and hospitality skills in a large communal catering kitchen and dining area. They cook and serve lunch to the other pupils, staff and volunteers on a daily basis. This gives them the opportunity to learn about the benefits of healthy eating and enjoy cooking and eating new foods.
Independent Living Skills
We have an independent living skills room for students to learn domestic cooking, ironing, washing, personal budgeting etc. Travel training can also be provided for older students.
Personal, emotional and social development
Personal, emotional and social skill development is given a high priority at the Bridge. Staff work with pupils to build on their personal, emotional and social skills through individual or small group work in the following areas:-
PE and games
Mindfulness training
Social skills development
Stress and anger management
Emotional literacy and resilience
Similarly, pupils' social, moral, cultural and social awareness is built upon through
National awareness days
Faith days
British values and citizenship
Practicing democracy
Personal, social and health education
Cultural diversity and equal opportunity training
Engaging with national events
Physical Activities
PE and outdoor activities are part of the timetable. This may include outdoor games, local walks, our on-site obstacle course and visits to stables for horse riding. Pupils learn about the benefits of healthy lifestyles. We are fortunate to have a five acre site and easy access to the countryside so pupils benefit from the fresh air and our beautiful surroundings.
Pupils can also access off-site gym membership as part of their curriculum.